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Cold war russian symbols. As syllabic acronyms they are not normally capitalized. Citation needed since the russian revolution the hammer and sickle have come to represent various communist parties and communist states. During the cold war the soviet military mapped the entire worldthis secret program was one of the most ambitious mapping efforts ever undertaken and it produced thousandsperhaps even.
The russian abbreviations spetsnaz and osnaz are syllabic abbreviations typical of soviet era russian for spetsialnovo naznacheniya and osobovo naznacheniya both of which may be interpreted as special purpose. The cold war was a period of geopolitical tension between the soviet union and the united states and their respective allies the eastern bloc and the western bloc after world war iihistorians do not fully agree on the dates but the period is generally considered to span the 1947 truman doctrine to the 1991 dissolution of the soviet unionthe term cold is used because there was no large. The hammer and sickle were first used during the 1917 russian revolution but it did not become the official symbol of the russian soviet federative socialist republic until 1924.
Following stalins death in 1953 a period known as de stalinization and the khrushchev thaw occurred under the leadership of nikita. In 2007 it was upgraded to include email and chat and now relies on a dedicated secure computer network carried via satellite and fiber optic cable. H ere we list 10 prominent symbols or icons that are closely associated with this time period.
The hotline has been used on several occasions. The cold war came to an end and with it the soviet union in 1991 but washington and moscow elected to keep the hotline open and running. On june 22 1990 checkpoint charlie the best known crossing point between soviet occupied east germany to western occupied west germany was torn down a sign that the cold war that had threatened the world with nuclear annihilation since 1947 was drawing to an end.
The cold war emerged in 1947 as a result of a post war soviet dominance in eastern europe where the eastern bloc confronted the western bloc that united in the north atlantic treaty organization in 1949. The hammer and sickle unicode.
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